Tuesday, June 12, 2012

TST #15 - My Mexicali Stars

I had been making a number of lap and bed quilts and decided it was time to go smaller for a while.  Somehow I thought that a smaller piece would mean that it would take less time to actually get the piece completed.  Read on.

I initially saw this pattern displayed as a seminar sample at a quilt shop.  Intrigued by how the curved pieces were created, I registered for the class.  Fabric selection was a challenge.  The sample was done in a wine tone but I preferred an autumnal palette.  The 2-day class also called for a considerable amount of homework, especially the curves.

The top was finished inthe class in 2003 but the sandwiching, quilting and binding were finally completed in October 2006.  Three years to do a wall hanging.  I guess I got tired of all those curves and decided that I needed a break. So much for getting it done in less time.
I was going to donate it, most likely to a senior center or hospice, but have decided to hang it at home for a while. 


Peggy said...

Oh, those curves - but you did a beautiful job!

What Comes Next? said...

This is a great quilt - it has always intrigued me. Great job you did with it Brigitte!