Saturday, October 13, 2012

Thread, Thread and more Thread

Just a quick post while I'm taking a break.  My Guild is having a quilt show October 20 and 21, 2012 and I have been FMQing like a mad woman trying to finish a quilt that is registered for the show.

Here is a peek at the thread painting that I've been doing, but I'm not so sure that it's looking very good.

These are close ups because some members from my Guild may be lurking and I'd like to be able to reveal this at the show.  If you are in the neighbourhood, do come by and see the show.  There are going to be over 100 quilts on display, a merchant's mall and tea room.  Come join us!


dutchcomfort said...

So courageous! It’s looking fabulous!

What Comes Next? said...

I am so looking forward to the full reveal next Friday - this is looking great!

Unknown said...

It looks wonderful! Very textured and natural, when I first saw the picture I immediately thought of a field of flowing wheat.

Vicki Miller said...

I am looking forward to seeing it too, Thread painting often looks crappy close up. Mine does anyway. It's the overall effect that is important. I'm sure it will be great.